Nell'ultimo periodo genesis mining offriva solo 2 modalità contrattuali: ethereum e monero (biennali). Proprio di recente, però, il mining di bitcoin (a tempo indeterminato) è stato ripristinato. Dunque attualmente vi sono 3 tipologie di contratto acquistabili. Invece, la modalità X11, un tempo sottoscrivibile, resta, almeno per il momento, non disponibile. Ricordiamo che, per raggiungere agevolmente il sito della compagnia, e registrarsi gratuitamente, è sufficiente cliccare su uno dei banner presenti in questo blog (uno è in colonna destra, l'altro a fondo pagina).
27 giugno 2017
Bitcoin ed Ethereum più bassi del solito
Bitcoin ed Ethereum (e non solo queste due tra le criptovalute) più bassi rispetto agli altissimi standard raggiunti nell'ultimo periodo. Come si nota, il bitcoin ha "perso" almeno 500 euro rispetto ai valori di punta recenti. Anche ethereum, che era salito a più di 300 euro, ora si ritrova intorno ai 200 euro. Potrebbe essere un buon momento per acquistare valuta digitale. Naturalmente, nessuno ha la sfera di cristallo per sapere se, ma soprattutto quando e a che livelli i due "big" risaliranno...
business online,
26 giugno 2017
XBTC.EU, faucet gratuito di bitcoin, ora munito di software automatico scaricabile in due versioni: per windows a 32 bit e per windows a 64 bit. Pagamento, tramite Xapo wallet al raggiungimento minimo di 20 satoshi (funziona 24/24, 7/7, 365 giorni all'anno!!!).

16 giugno 2017
Market cap
Diamo un'occhiata al ranking della market cap, prendiamo in esame le prime 21 posizioni delle criptovalute. Rispetto al 25 maggio, in cui la market cap del bitcoin era di 42 miliardi e 630 milioni di dollari, all'incirca, c'è stato un calo di un paio di miliardi, in quanto ora leggiamo 40 miliardi 896 milioni di dollari. Anche il suo valore è calato, precisamente da 2607$ a 2494$. Il dato settimanale è negativo con una perdita di oltre l'11% ma quello nelle 24 ore è in ripresa (+4.25%). Ethereum si è rafforzato passando da 18 miliardi e 342 milioni circa, a 33 miliardi e mezzo. Il suo valore è cresciuto da 199.57$ a 362.37$. Dash era settimo allora e lo è ancora con un valore leggermente superiore di 165.51$ rispetto al precedente 142.69$. All'ottavo posto si è inserita una moneta che precedentemente non figurava nelle prime posizioni, si tratta di IOTA che vale appena 0.35$ ma che vanta quasi un miliardo di capitalizzazione di mercato. Anche Zcash è cresciuto, sia in capitalizzazione (da 316 milioni di dollari a 600) che nel valore (da 229$ a 391$). Monero, precedentemente all'8 posto, ora all11esimo, sostanzialmente si è evoluto poco, la sua capitalizzazione di mercato è addirittura leggermente calata ed il valore è rimasto pressapoco simile (da 47.46$ a 46.42$). Dogecoin è sprofondato dall'11esima posizione alla 21esima, calando la market cap (da 391 milioni di dollari a 333) e presentando un valore leggermente diminuito (da 0.003577 a 0.003032). Golem, infine, ha migliorato sia la market cap che il valore (378 milioni di dollari prima, 431 ora, il valore è passato da 0.458$ a 0.520$), scendendo però dal 12° al 16° posto nel ranking.
market cap
15 giugno 2017
Calo del bitcoin
Dopo aver raggiunto e mantenuto picchi alti piuttosto a lungo (2500/2600 euro dei giorni scorsi), era prevedibile un calo del bitcoin (vedi foto 2). Ma la moneta virtuale più famosa al mondo è già in ripresa, come si nota dallo screenshoot delle 9:59 (foto 1).
business online,
12 giugno 2017
Bitcoin a 2648 euro
Notiamo un rialzo del bitcoin che raggiunge quota 2648,37 euro, rilevato pochi minuti fa (+56,78 euro rispetto a ieri).
business online,
06 giugno 2017
Bitcoin supera 2500 euro!
L'incremento registrato nelle ultime 24 ore, di oltre 200 euro, porta di fatto il bitcoin ad un valore di oltre 2500 euro, come vedete dal grafico sottostante.
business online,
05 giugno 2017
ethereum wallet attacco hacker
Non bastano le difficoltà normali per guadagnare nel mondo delle valute digitali, talvolta bisogna fare i conti anche con gli hacker, che sono sempre in agguato. Qualche giorno fa hanno preso di mira il portafoglio ethereum: ethereum wallet
Se cliccate adesso troverete, al posto del wallet, il seguente comunicato:
Regretfully, our server (root account) was compromised two days after switching web hosting providers. We are still investigating how the attack happened.
The majority of the Ether was moved to: by the attacker, and we are still investigating other addresses involved with the hack.
An attacker has moved most of the Ethereum on the website, but thankfully we have managed to recover some of the Ethereum.
We will be announcing a user reimbursement plan soon.
Brief Update
We plan to bring the website back up for reimbursements/withdraws by June 7th. It might be up earlier than that but due to manual withdrawals, it may take longer so we need users to hold on for a few days. We can't respond to individual cases just yet. Users will be issued separate tokens according to their previous balance based on a pool comprised of recovered tokens. We will raise additional funds to cover the remaining losses through the website's profits, and all future revenue will go towards this fund.
We have every intention to pay users back for their losses.
Following this event, we will change the implementation of our wallet to a client-sided model so this can't happen again.
Thank you for your patience.
June 1 Update
We have started compensating users manually here: Forum
Make an account and send us an email with the details mentioned in the post.
The majority of the Ether was moved to: by the attacker, and we are still investigating other addresses involved with the hack.
An attacker has moved most of the Ethereum on the website, but thankfully we have managed to recover some of the Ethereum.
We will be announcing a user reimbursement plan soon.
Brief Update
We plan to bring the website back up for reimbursements/withdraws by June 7th. It might be up earlier than that but due to manual withdrawals, it may take longer so we need users to hold on for a few days. We can't respond to individual cases just yet. Users will be issued separate tokens according to their previous balance based on a pool comprised of recovered tokens. We will raise additional funds to cover the remaining losses through the website's profits, and all future revenue will go towards this fund.
We have every intention to pay users back for their losses.
Following this event, we will change the implementation of our wallet to a client-sided model so this can't happen again.
Thank you for your patience.
June 1 Update
We have started compensating users manually here: Forum
Make an account and send us an email with the details mentioned in the post.
Come si legge dal documento, il portafoglio dovrebbe ritornare online il 7 giugno e così anche i rimborsi agli utenti. E concludo con una considerazione personale: si parla sempre di sicurezza, che le nuove monete dovrebbero essere più sicure delle precedenti eppure, come vedete, gli hacker trovano sempre il modo di rompere le uova nel paniere. In una prospettiva di guadagno tramite le criptovalute purtroppo bisogna mettere in conto anche questa spiacevole eventualità.
business online,
03 giugno 2017
Genesis mining solo due modalità di mining
Da alcuni giorni sul sito di genesis mining non è più possibile acquistare contratti di mining bitcoin front end, nè di tipo X11. Attualmente ci sono solo 2 tipi di possibilità sottoscrivibili, entrambe di durata biennale, ossia: ethereum e monero. Per minare ethereum viene utilizzata la tecnologia "Dagger-Hashimoto". Per chi volesse entrare nei dettagli di questa modalità di mining riporto di seguito un documento in lingua inglese.
Dagger Hashimoto is a proposed spec for the mining algorithm for Ethereum 1.0. Dagger Hashimoto aims to simultaneously satisfy two goals:
1) ASIC-resistance: the benefit from creating specialized hardware for the algorithm should be as small as possible, ideally to the point that even in an economy where ASICs have been developed the speedup is sufficiently small that it is still marginally profitable for users on ordinary computers to mine with spare CPU power.
2) Light client verifiability: a block should be relatively efficiently verifiable by a light client.
With an additional modification, we also specify how to fulfill a third goal if desired, but at the cost of additional complexity:
Full chain storage: mining should require storage of the complete blockchain state (due to the irregular structure of the Ethereum state trie, we anticipate that some pruning will be possible, particularly of some often-used contracts, but we want to minimize this).
Dagger Hashimoto builds on two key pieces of previous work:
Hashimoto, an algorithm by Thaddeus Dryja which intends to achieve ASIC resistance by being IO-bound, ie. making memory reads the limiting factor in the mining process. The theory is that RAM is in principle inherently a much more generic ingredient than computation, and billions of dollars of research already go into optimizing it for different use cases which often involve near-random access patterns (hence "random access memory"); hence, existing RAM is likely to be moderately close to optimal for evaluating the algorithm. Hashimoto uses the blockchain as a source of data, simultaneously satisfying (1) and (3) above.
Dagger, an algorithm by Vitalik Buterin which uses directed acyclic graphs to simultaneously achieve memory-hard computation but memory-easy validation. The core principle is that each individual nonce only requires a small portion of a large total data tree, and recomputing the subtree for each nonce is prohibitive for mining - hence the need to store the tree - but okay for a single nonce's worth of verification. Dagger was meant to be an alternative to existing memory-hard algorithms like Scrypt, which are memory-hard but are also very hard to verify when their memory-hardness is increased to genuinely secure levels. However, Dagger was proven to be vulnerable to shared memory hardware acceleration by Sergio Lerner and was then dropped in favor of other avenues of research.
Approaches that were tried between Dagger and Dagger Hashimoto but are currently not our primary focus include:
"Blockchain-based proof of work" - a proof of work function that involves running contracts taken from the blockchain. The approach was abandoned because it was long-range attack vulnerabilities, since attackers can create forks and populate them with contracts that they have a secret fast "trapdoor" execution mechanism for.
"Random circuit" - a proof of work function developed largely by Vlad Zamfir that involves generating a new program every 1000 nonces - essentially, choosing a new hash function each time, faster than even FPGAs can reconfigure. The approach was temporarily put aside because it was difficult to see what mechanism one can use to generate random programs that would be general enough so that specialization gains would be low; however, we see no fundamental reasons why the concept cannot be made to work.
The difference between Dagger Hashimoto and Hashimoto is that, instead of using the blockchain as a data source, Dagger Hashimoto uses a custom-generated 1 GB data set, which updates based on block data every N blocks. The data set is generated using the Dagger algorithm, allowing for the efficient calculation of a subset specific to every nonce for the light client verification algorithm. The difference between Dagger Hashimoto and Dagger is that, unlike in the original Dagger, the dataset used to query the block is semi-permanent, only being updated at occasional intervals (eg. once per week). This means that the portion of the effort that goes toward generating the dataset is close to zero, so Sergio Lerner's arguments regarding shared memory speedups become negligible.
1) ASIC-resistance: the benefit from creating specialized hardware for the algorithm should be as small as possible, ideally to the point that even in an economy where ASICs have been developed the speedup is sufficiently small that it is still marginally profitable for users on ordinary computers to mine with spare CPU power.
2) Light client verifiability: a block should be relatively efficiently verifiable by a light client.
With an additional modification, we also specify how to fulfill a third goal if desired, but at the cost of additional complexity:
Full chain storage: mining should require storage of the complete blockchain state (due to the irregular structure of the Ethereum state trie, we anticipate that some pruning will be possible, particularly of some often-used contracts, but we want to minimize this).
Dagger Hashimoto builds on two key pieces of previous work:
Hashimoto, an algorithm by Thaddeus Dryja which intends to achieve ASIC resistance by being IO-bound, ie. making memory reads the limiting factor in the mining process. The theory is that RAM is in principle inherently a much more generic ingredient than computation, and billions of dollars of research already go into optimizing it for different use cases which often involve near-random access patterns (hence "random access memory"); hence, existing RAM is likely to be moderately close to optimal for evaluating the algorithm. Hashimoto uses the blockchain as a source of data, simultaneously satisfying (1) and (3) above.
Dagger, an algorithm by Vitalik Buterin which uses directed acyclic graphs to simultaneously achieve memory-hard computation but memory-easy validation. The core principle is that each individual nonce only requires a small portion of a large total data tree, and recomputing the subtree for each nonce is prohibitive for mining - hence the need to store the tree - but okay for a single nonce's worth of verification. Dagger was meant to be an alternative to existing memory-hard algorithms like Scrypt, which are memory-hard but are also very hard to verify when their memory-hardness is increased to genuinely secure levels. However, Dagger was proven to be vulnerable to shared memory hardware acceleration by Sergio Lerner and was then dropped in favor of other avenues of research.
Approaches that were tried between Dagger and Dagger Hashimoto but are currently not our primary focus include:
"Blockchain-based proof of work" - a proof of work function that involves running contracts taken from the blockchain. The approach was abandoned because it was long-range attack vulnerabilities, since attackers can create forks and populate them with contracts that they have a secret fast "trapdoor" execution mechanism for.
"Random circuit" - a proof of work function developed largely by Vlad Zamfir that involves generating a new program every 1000 nonces - essentially, choosing a new hash function each time, faster than even FPGAs can reconfigure. The approach was temporarily put aside because it was difficult to see what mechanism one can use to generate random programs that would be general enough so that specialization gains would be low; however, we see no fundamental reasons why the concept cannot be made to work.
The difference between Dagger Hashimoto and Hashimoto is that, instead of using the blockchain as a data source, Dagger Hashimoto uses a custom-generated 1 GB data set, which updates based on block data every N blocks. The data set is generated using the Dagger algorithm, allowing for the efficient calculation of a subset specific to every nonce for the light client verification algorithm. The difference between Dagger Hashimoto and Dagger is that, unlike in the original Dagger, the dataset used to query the block is semi-permanent, only being updated at occasional intervals (eg. once per week). This means that the portion of the effort that goes toward generating the dataset is close to zero, so Sergio Lerner's arguments regarding shared memory speedups become negligible.
business online,
genesis mining,
01 giugno 2017
Il ritorno del Re
Un titolo del post che si rifà a quello del film del Signore degli Anelli per descrivere la ripresa della criptovaluta più famosa al mondo. Dopo la recentissima discesa, ecco la risalita del bitcoin che non raggiunge, per ora, il valore di punta di qualche giorno fa ma che comunque si assesta a livelli alti essendo cresciuto di quasi 200 euro solo nell'ultimo giorno, come si può osservare dalla foto. Da notare anche il valore dell'ethereum, di oltre 200 euro.
Factom (FCT) utilizza la tecnologia che c'è dietro il bitcoin per modificare le modalità di gestione dei dati aziendali e conservare i registri. Factom ha collaborato con Microsoft per incorporare la propria tecnologia nella piattaforma cloud di Azure in modo che gli sviluppatori potessero utilizzare facilmente la tecnologia. Factom ha anche dato prova di concetto aggiungendo tutti i libri del progetto Gutenberg nella blockchain. Valore di factom. Sito di factom