Non bastano le difficoltà normali per guadagnare nel mondo delle valute digitali, talvolta bisogna fare i conti anche con gli hacker, che sono sempre in agguato. Qualche giorno fa hanno preso di mira il portafoglio ethereum: ethereum wallet
Se cliccate adesso troverete, al posto del wallet, il seguente comunicato:
Regretfully, our server (root account) was compromised two days after switching web hosting providers. We are still investigating how the attack happened.
The majority of the Ether was moved to: by the attacker, and we are still investigating other addresses involved with the hack.
An attacker has moved most of the Ethereum on the website, but thankfully we have managed to recover some of the Ethereum.
We will be announcing a user reimbursement plan soon.
Brief Update
We plan to bring the website back up for reimbursements/withdraws by June 7th. It might be up earlier than that but due to manual withdrawals, it may take longer so we need users to hold on for a few days. We can't respond to individual cases just yet. Users will be issued separate tokens according to their previous balance based on a pool comprised of recovered tokens. We will raise additional funds to cover the remaining losses through the website's profits, and all future revenue will go towards this fund.
We have every intention to pay users back for their losses.
Following this event, we will change the implementation of our wallet to a client-sided model so this can't happen again.
Thank you for your patience.
June 1 Update
We have started compensating users manually here: Forum
Make an account and send us an email with the details mentioned in the post.
The majority of the Ether was moved to: by the attacker, and we are still investigating other addresses involved with the hack.
An attacker has moved most of the Ethereum on the website, but thankfully we have managed to recover some of the Ethereum.
We will be announcing a user reimbursement plan soon.
Brief Update
We plan to bring the website back up for reimbursements/withdraws by June 7th. It might be up earlier than that but due to manual withdrawals, it may take longer so we need users to hold on for a few days. We can't respond to individual cases just yet. Users will be issued separate tokens according to their previous balance based on a pool comprised of recovered tokens. We will raise additional funds to cover the remaining losses through the website's profits, and all future revenue will go towards this fund.
We have every intention to pay users back for their losses.
Following this event, we will change the implementation of our wallet to a client-sided model so this can't happen again.
Thank you for your patience.
June 1 Update
We have started compensating users manually here: Forum
Make an account and send us an email with the details mentioned in the post.
Come si legge dal documento, il portafoglio dovrebbe ritornare online il 7 giugno e così anche i rimborsi agli utenti. E concludo con una considerazione personale: si parla sempre di sicurezza, che le nuove monete dovrebbero essere più sicure delle precedenti eppure, come vedete, gli hacker trovano sempre il modo di rompere le uova nel paniere. In una prospettiva di guadagno tramite le criptovalute purtroppo bisogna mettere in conto anche questa spiacevole eventualità.
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